Hello there!

I’m Mateusz, a passionate Fullstack Developer. When I’m not cycling or gaming, you’ll find me diving deep into TypeScript generics or optimizing applications performance. -- This application is powered by Next.js and PayloadCMS, running within a Dockerized environment on my Oracle Cloud VPS (Ubuntu). It’s exposed to the web via nginx, enhanced for speed with Cloudflare and monitored using Plausible.

Projects 🗂️

Road Code

Platform for pro cycling fans. One of the lead architects and developer. Implementation of the complex administration system using PayloadCMS, featuring role-based access control, page builders and integrations with external platforms such as JWP. Responsibilities included designing databases and microservices architecture, assisting with microservices development, frontend implementation, and resolving performance issues. Ensured high code quality across services and worked on integrations with AWS services like Lambda, SQS, and SNS to enhance functionality and system scalability.

Trawy i byliny

E-commerce platform specializing in grasses and perennials, built on PrestaShop with a customized, purchased template. Self-hosted on a personally configured and secured VPS, ensuring optimal performance and security. Responsible for maintaining the platform, handling server configuration, and regularly updating the store to meet evolving business needs.


SocialFi platform that combines the excitement of social media with the power of decentralized finance (DeFi). Developed a mobile application from scratch using Expo, integrated with a NestJS backend and magic.link SDK for authentication.


Portal for managing services for schools connected under the Ogólnopolska Sieć Edukacyjna and mLegitymacja projects. Continuation of the signup process for the projects, services management (invoices, technical issues, reports). Preparation of CMS system, integration with CMS and Rest API, authentication with OIDC.


Portal under the Ogólnopolska Sieć Edukacyjna project. Implementation of project information pages, handling school applications for OSE and mLegitymacja projects. Preparation of CMS system, integration with CMS and Rest API.


Intranet portal for OSE project admins. Management of users accounts and services, handling technical issues and school questionnaires. In version 2.0 implementation of client-side and server-side in Next.js (OIDC, OAuth 2.0, signing JWT token to secure communication with Rest API, implementation of Server-Sent Events).


Portal aimed at participants of the OSE Congress. Implementation of the client and server part of the environment in Next.js (communication with the PG database, preparation and integration with the CMS system, handling participant registration).


Implementation of client-side and server-side in Next.js (communication with PG database, authentication process with a tool handling OIDC and OAuth 2.0 protocols, handling users' registration, panel for registered users, preparation of CMS system, integration with CMS and Rest API).


Portal offering access to digital educational and cultural resources (school readings in e-book, audiobook format). Preparation and integration with CMS and Rest API system, implementation of e-book reader and audiobook player, handling of teaching requests, implementation of resource search engine.


Portal within the Edukacyjna Sieć Antysmogowa project. Implementation of information pages about the project, handling submissions to the project. Preparation of CMS system, integration with CMS and Rest API. Using Google Maps API (v1) and OpenStreetMap API (v2) with clustering.


Open source platform for gathering, processing and transferring information about security events and incidents for network owners. Multi-language application with registration, two-factor authentication, and oraz integration with Rest API. Implementation of table virtualization with a large data set.

OSE IT Szkoła

Educational platform with access to free materials and e-learning courses. Preparation and styling of the application layout.


Portal of the Market and Opinion Research Team of NASK-PIB carrying out research and implementation projects in the area of social, market, educational and digital security research. Implementation of the client and server part of the environment in Next.js, preparation and integration with the CMS.

Skills 😎

> Languages, libs and frameworks

> Core APIs & packages

Experience ⏳

Fullstack Developer

01.2023 / -
Silk Software House

Senior Frontend Developer

09.2022 / 12.2022

Frontend Developer

12.2019 / 08.2022
NASK PIB, COIAt NASK PIB until 04.2022, then part of the company was taken over by COI

Junior Frontend Developer

09.2019 / 11.2019

Education 🎓

Master of Engineering

2021 / 2022
Military University of Technology in WarsawCryptology and Cyber Security with major in Information Security

Bachelor of Engineering

2017 / 2021
Military University of Technology in WarsawCryptology and Cyber Security with major in Information Security

Contact 🤳